Pinterest Site Verification

  • Enterprise

Verification is the process of proving to Pinterest that you are the owner of a website. Claiming a website and verifying ownership within Pinterest unlocks website analytics to see how your pins are performing, as well as providing the ability for your profile picture to be displayed against pins from your website.

Locate your verification code

To locate your Pinterest site verification code:

  1. Login to your Pinterest account.
  2. From the main menu, select Settings following by Claim website.
  3. Enter the full url of the website that you would like to verfiy and click Claim website.
  4. From the claim option menu, select Add HTML tag. You will be prompted with a Meta tag source code which is typically added into the <head> section of your website. Simply extract the code which appears between the content quotation marks - as shown below.
    <meta name="p:domain_verify" content="FD7051125675657234GT5763JSDH2" />

Adding the verification code

  1. From your Divendo admin, select Optimise.
  2. From the Site verification menu, select Pinterest. You will be presented with the site verification dialog.
  3. Select the Enable verification checkbox, and enter the code you extracted above into the Verification Code textbox.
  4. Click the Save button.